Live performance:**** Times Seen:1
This Is Your Brain On Drugs (2011): 9.6
The Briefcase EP (2013):9.7
Narcopaloma (2016):9.9
Genre 1: Math Rock
Live performance:**** Times Seen:1
This Is Your Brain On Drugs (2011): 9.6
The Briefcase EP (2013):9.7
Narcopaloma (2016):9.9
Genre 1: Math Rock
Genre 2: Experimental
Genre 3: Progressive Metal
Genre 4: Post-Punk
For Fans Of: Giraffes? Giraffes!, Chon, Mouse on the Keys, American Football, Tottorro, The Number Twelve Lookes Like You, TTNG, Antarctic , +Animals As Leaders , Toundra, Psyopus, Piglet, prog rock, weird math music, bass and drums, extreme instrumentation.
Formed In: 2009
Status: Uploading Weird Cover Photos on Facebook
Label: Nefarious Industries

Bangladeafy's debut album is a release you won't soon forget. The album art and title is very telling of what you should expect. From start to finish, you will feel like your brain is on drugs and/or bugs, as Bangladeafy's unique erratic sound crawls in through your ears and then infests your brain with catchy technical prowess. I can't think of any more extreme math rock then these guys. Time signature changes, grooves, oddly like-able singing that fits, and drum beats that I could only dream of playing. You can try bobbing your head, and I wish you the best of luck in doing so. Man, the bass and drums are so on point for this record as well as the others, you need to show it to anyone who appreciates those instruments and blow their minds. Listening to Bangladeafy is also great for bragging rights.
Favorite Song: Burn The Witches

The Briefcase isn't that much different than it's predecessor. This isn't a bad thing either. Right away you can tell all of the same elements you love are still there, with perhaps a slightly more advanced and intricate approach. The bass only gets catchier, and the drums faster. You'll be wondering how bassist John Elhers and drummer Atif Haq write these extreme songs let alone play them. Don't think about that too hard, or your brain will bounce around in your head too much. Dare I say so, but I feel like this EP is a little more jazzier too. The Briefcase is a very catchy record, that will make you want to pack up all of your things in a briefcase and go somewhere in the woods just to decipher the complex musicianship this album holds.
Favorite Songs: Tubes or Fruit Flies

Narcopaloma. This EP is the culmination of everything dissonant, everything consonant, everything that Bangladeafy is and ever was, is perfectly represented in this prog blender of an EP. Some scientists think that you hear Naropaloma front to back when you die [Disclaimer: Please buy the music rather than die to hear it for free]. The drums on this EP are undoubtedly my favorite yet, with seamless transitions, hyper-active grooves and the ever-addicting cowbell on Trillionaire. As always, John supplies tasteful bass like no other band can as well as some sick Synth playing. In my opinion, Bangladeafy has managed to top their prior works with this release, which truly leaves me frightened and excited to hear how they top this masterpiece.
Favorite Songs: Act Like An Adult or Trillionaire

I remember hearing about Bangladeafy for years. Probably since around the time of their first release back in 2011. I didn't listen to them though until they were on a bill with my good friends in Cryptodira. I checked out the band and was like "yeah wow I gotta go!" but for whatever reason, I either didn't or couldn't. It wasn't until Crypto announced they were playing with them again in 2016 that I re-listened to them. Since my love for math rock and progressively weird music has only increased, as well as my ear's sharpness, I realized they were also only a duo in addition to comprehending how insanely talented they are. I instantly fell in love and knew I'd have to take off work and drive to Brooklyn for this show. Plus they were also playing with my homies in Fall of the Albatross and Consonance. Lucky me!
Spoilers: They are just as insane and unbelievable live as they are on their CDs. You're jaw will be wide open and your foot will be tapping, but your face will also be melting. Bangladeafy is a live experience like no other. You could write entire term papers on their music. In addition to being prog gods, John and Atif are extremely nice and down to Earth. They were more than happy to converse with me just as I was more than happy to buy Narcopaloma. Can't wait to see this band again. Make sure YOU see this band next time you can too!
If my words aren't enough, and listening isn't enough for you to comprehend this band's talent, check out this video play through!
Download (and buy) their music here: https://bangladeafy.bandcamp.com/
Keep updated on their blog +bangladeafy or facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Bangladeafy/posts/?ref=page_internal

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