Live performance:**** Times Seen:1
Album Rating:Brevira-9.6
Genre 1:Post-Rock
Genre 2:Progressive Rock
Genre 3:Instrumental
Genre 4:Math Rock
For Fans Of:Explosions In The Sky, God Is An Astronaut, Circa Survive, Hrvrd, Russian Circles, Toundra, Chon, Stolas, Happy instrumental jams, party prog.
Formed In:2012 Label:Downport Records
Status:Released Debut Album;Playing shows/touring Hometown:Bayport, NY
-Album Review-

Bear Success dropped a phenomenal debut album release this month entitled Brevira. This release blew me away. The trio packs a whole lot of talent. Throughout this album you will be moved by the copius amounts of Post-Rock vibes immediately. Tracks such as “Geoff” start off slow and chilled out, the kind of tunes you’d wanna grab book and read to, or go for a walk with. “Five, For Free, Too” and “Divides” are the faster upbeat songs in the vein of Math Rock. I think of these as the feel good tracks. I also like how this album maintained it’s creativity. I didn’t feel like any of the tracks were anything close to filler or bad. The entire album start to finish was solid and captivating. The recording quality is on par with the musicianship implemented on the album, making this release sound very professional.
-Live Review-

I went to a show in O’Brien’s in Coram to see my friend Gio perform. It’s not that often that I go to a show not knowing any of the bands that were playing. In this case I was glad, because I was in for surprise after surprise that night. Bear Success was a very lively band to see. There was technical difficulty with the bass and the bass player smashed his bass into the ground. I don’t know if it was in a fit of rage or if it was part of the show, but either way it worked. I feel like a dick saying this, but it was pretty awesome. He borrowed a bass from one of the other bands, and right away it was back to bussiness as usual. The energetic trio impressed me and I was delighted to find out they had an album for sale. I did not know until writing this how recently it had a came out. I bought it and I suggest you treat yourself and do the same! I still can’t believe a band this good is local. It makes me happy to be a part of Long Island. Hopefully I will catch these guys again soon. Keep the Post-Rock/Prog scene alive and support this band!
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